
let me put you in the major key

There is a beautiful ramshackle house covered in vines opposide my house. For the past week, I have noticed lighting vans and a winnebago parked outside from very early in the morning to very late at night. Then last night, I spied some men in waterproofs emerging out of the church hall clutching some sandwiches. I've been vaguely wondering (considering my luck with being in close proximity to Doctor Who sets) whether it was anything exciting. Sadly, I've had little (i.e. none) in the way of celebtacular action. Then I happened to mention to a friend in an email today whose interest was piqued and she decided to Google it and imagine my surprise when I hear that it's Madonna filming her directorial debut, Filth and Wisdom. If only it were Girls Aloud, I would rush the set straightaway. As it is, I am going to strategically walk past the house on the way to work tomorrow to try and spy. Yes, I am that pathetic that this may be the highlight of my week. (I reserve judgement as I am going to be in the audience for QI tomorrow and my love for Stephen Fry is seemingly limitless.)

3 Responses to “"Take the black off a crow / But don't tell me I have to go"”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ick, I didn't know Madonna had a directorial debut. Just ignore her and hope it's as unsuccessful as her husband's recent ventures. (Unless there are famous people starring in it, but it doesn't sound like there are.) As for it being "in a similar vein to an Irvine Welsh film", I really hope it's a gritty portrayal of the urban underclass since I'm sure she's super-au-fait with the British poor.

    (I read somewhere that Amy Winehouse is about to be married. Is time running out to kidnap her for her own good? I'm confused by her personal life.)

    Thanks for the oboe/hobo rhyme. Although sadly I feel the muse has deserted me on the poetry about woodwind instruments front.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    (You could have a quick look to check if she's wearing jodhpurs, black boots, beret and megaphone in the classic 1930s Hollywood director style. I bet she is.)  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Sorry there's no Madonna spots. You should disguise yourself as Lourdes and sneak onto the set. I'm relieved to have read it's only a short film not a full-length feature for cinematic release, because hopefully that'll allow her to work out she's crap, or possibly even to discover another facet of her geniusness. Since her children's book writing doesn't seem to have led to her penning any 1000-page novels, she may have a greater sense of her limits than Guy.

    I'm very disturbed by Lady Civil-Engineer's choice of beachwear. Particularly that black lacy top which looks very tatty and un-holiday/honeymoon-y. But also the hair, and everything else. I guess her wedding dress was quite tasteful. Unlike the headline, which is horrible. My suggested headline would be more like "I'd give it 18 months". Or the all-purpose Winehouse headline "Some Unholy War(drobe)". I wish him good luck, but not really because he looks a tosser. In a hat.

    Yeah, I'm not sure about this week's Who. It did manage to be quite exciting, but it really wasn't much more than a succession of tense scenes. It's nice that Martha is becoming a bit less two-dimensional, but she still cannot compare to Rose, any more than her family can compare to Jackie and Mickey. Maybe in a series or 2's time it'll be different. But I do really hate the mother, which may be a sign of good television.

    (Or you could disguise yourself as a director's chair.)  

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