
let me put you in the major key

"Wooden boat"

After two and a half hours, I managed to bag myself two pairs of Take That tickets.


Here's a lovely picture of Jason Orange by way of celebration:

2 Responses to “"Wooden boat"”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Very Lord of the Rings. Is he an elf or an orc?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    You have to buy The Magic Position just to stare at the best cover art of any album ever. I want to decorate my home like that (with abnormally small fairground-themed animals to sit upon) and dress in red like Mr Wolf (even if the short trousers and shoes without socks are a bit 1983 George Michael). While saluting him for spelling his name with one O, one L, and one F, obviously. I hope he looks like that on stage.

    I'm sure watching Les Miserables is considerably less painful than reading the book. Not that I got half way through. Is there even a song that goes "Viva Les Miserables" to the tune of "Viva La Megababes" by Shampoo?

    But I'd have loved to see Edward Norton at the Illusionist Q&A, if only to see him put on a very intense expression, extend his right hand, wobble it a bit, and attempt to contact the dead. He is very good at that. I trust you had somewhere more interesting to be, like work.  

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