I seem to be going through a phase of being obsessed with looking things up on Wikipedia (partly because the glaring inaccuracies never fail to entertain me). I somehow ended up on Hugh Grant's Wikipedia entry and what I find even more amusing than the fact that his middle name is Mungo (yes, Mungo!) is that the image that illustrates his Wikipedia entry is of a waxwork figure of him (yes, a waxwork!) Behold:

This is quite possibly the best thing I've seen on Wikipedia ever.

This is quite possibly the best thing I've seen on Wikipedia ever.
Do you think the waxwork is a subtle comment on his acting ability? You go stalk Hugh and take a better photo. Or draw a picture.
Every time I see a Wikipedia article, I think, that's such a load of rubbish I should just rewrite the whole thing, and yet I never do. Because I'm scared of Wikipedia.
Another question: do you have a burlesque apron?
Sadly I'll be bowling tonight without the aid of knitwear. I'd love to be Giles Brandreth with his wit, floppy hair, regular Countdown appearances, and doubtless vast wealth from some incredibly nebulous source, but as yet it just hasn't happened. No women have ever sent me comedy sweaters with amusing designs.
If you write something on wikipedia and it goes unchanged for a year then it becomes fact.
And thats a fact.
I'd have thought with your baking prowess you'd have a range of novelty aprons to reflect your many moods and required levels of protection. I'm sure for burlesque aprons you're better putting nipple tassels on a normal apron rather than daring to search the realm of novelty clothes-coverage. But what's the point in baking if you don't end up covered in flour I ask you?
I guess Kris Marshall couldn't survive modern life if he was as dim as the person in the BT adverts/My Family. Still a reasonable 2nd-division celebrity spot, even if he's performing in the West End (he's in a play with Billie P isn't he?). He's probably too inoffensive to shout abuse at in the street.
I didn't see any comedy knitwear at the bowling. It's not in one of eastern Scotland's posher areas, so it was largely full of thick-necked men in t-shirts and small children, aside from us in our stylish office wear. I did see a couple of women who could have stepped out of Happy Days, which is always nice to see someone make the effort, even if it is always women. There is however a full report to come in my diary, despite almost nothing happening and me not winning.
I wonder if you can get knitted bowling bags, or if the ball would just fall right through? Maybe knitted shoes?
Ha, the idea of the Doctor and a Time-Missus meeting up, falling in love, performing some strange alien wedding ceremony, and then raising a family, surrounded by bunny rabbits, would be very cute, but somehow I can't see it happening (do Time Lords have women? Are they called Time Ladies? Time Dames?). Especially not the fluffy bunnies. He would soon get bored and go back in time to make her break up with him. Unless they were bloodthirsty fluffy bunnies who cruelly killed the Doctor's new beloved and forced him on an intergalactic, across-time crusade against rabbits. (With Daleks being so cute these days, something else will have to get less cute, unless that's what the Daleks are planning with their new funny-faced hybrid.)
Pah! Just because Tennant is better looking than Sylvester McCoy does not mean that every woman he lets in his little blue box should instantly fall in love with him. Maybe if Martha is killed by rabbits as well, that would give him something to think about. (Did you hear about the crazed hare who attacked an Austrian couple? That link is notable for the sentence "Traditionally, rabbits and hares are better known as lovers, not fighters.")
I think the Pipettes are probably more pop than Girls Aloud. The Pipettes don't do indie cover versions and certainly wouldn't hang out with the Arctic Monkeys. Gwenno is probably also classier than Sarah.
I have to say I prefer polkadots to rubber hotpants. Although tweed hotpants, as worn by Kate from the Long Blondes, are even more fetishistic. I'm sure that when Dragonette play Edinburgh art college, the audience will be wearing far more disturbing clothing than the band.
Now I must go bust Hugh Grant out of jail. Write more bloggery (that instruction is for both of us)!
The poodle/sheep story is brilliant. But poor wee lambs, being forced to eat Pedigree Chum rather than grass. I'm off to stick fake ears on a shaven rat and claim it's a chihuahua. Interestingly The Sun claims Japanese don't know what a sheep is, while The Register claims they don't know what a poodle is. I should work up the courage to approach my Japanese colleague with photographs.
This site says "Sheep are rare in Japan since the climate of Japan, which is very humid, is not appropriate to raise sheep." It probably makes their wool all frizzy.
The Guardian reports it was a "family-sized tub of beans". Does Hugh have a family? And does he feed them all beans? I approve of traditional British actors eating traditional British food. I can imagine him sitting in front of the telly with a big tub of microwaved beanery and a spoon. I'm sure Laurence Olivier would have done the same thing.
Don't all 13 year old girls have slack jaws hanging in an unattractive fashion (when not chewing gum or spitting)?
Mungo is a type of cloth "of short fibre and inferior quality obtained by deviling woollen rags". Im not sure if that's relevant (particularly in relation to bean-lobbing incidents) but it amused me a bit. s x
I wasn't sure from Patrick Wolf's statement exactly what he's retiring from; it sounded as though he might still record music just possibly not release it and definitely not tour it. But if I had a penny for every pop star who claimed they were retiring and didn't, I could probably buy the new Infernal single. I am sure they would never promise to retire and then go on living. If only Wolf would fake his death, like in Velvet Goldmine. Not enough pop stars do that.
The only possible reason for buying baked beans by the tub are (a) you run a bed and breakfast or (b) you bathe in them. Does Mungo have something he wants to tell us? I would love to stay in an About A Boy themed hotel (though not a Four Weddings one), but I think it must be beans for the skin. I also have to question his choice of shorts in the photographs, which appear to be far too small for him.
The demise of Popworld is a bit sad even though I've not watched it much of late. But I guess now Alexa is on primetime ITV being dreadful she'll be ok, and I don't think Alex Zane is short of work either. But clearly the Yoof Of Britain prefer to get their pop news over the interweb rather than via old-fashioned television with its unfastforwardability. Either that or they're not up till after noon on Saturdays. It's clearly my fault for not buying the Popworld magazine though (although it apparently covered "emo", ick).
Richard Harris died 5 years ago, so I'm not sure if he still snacks on the pilchard.
I missed the man hitting his girlfriend with a pet alligator. I just found it on the BBC website. I don't think alligators are as funny as sheep or rabbits. Did you hear about the Hungarian rabbit truck that crashed on its way to the slaughterhouse? I think there is probably a witty punchline to that.
My pet Japanese person is on holiday now, so no sheep-related polling. I don't think they have many animals in Japan, other than dragons.
Continuing my Hugh obsession, have you seen the Wikipedia Talk page on Mungo? Headlined "ABOUT THE "RECEPTIVE ORAL COPULATION"/FELATIO REVERT WAR". I'm fairly sure that's not even how you spell fellatio. Um, I don't really have a point. But I dreamt about Hugh last night, and I'd rather not do that.