"You get what you see, when you see what I got"
5 Comments Published by H on 03 April 2007 at 5:47 PM.
Hurrah, the new Mutya Buena video has leaked and fabulous it is indeed!
Highlights from the video:
- Mutya writing her own name, complete with the kind of fancy 'A's 14 year old girls are partial to
- Mutya wandering around the mean streets of London with her digital camera around her neck. Good God woman, you're just asking to be on Crimewatch.
- Some nifty morphing effects featuring some beautiful people who were clearly hired to be Friends of Buena for the day.
- One of whom appears to be Dutchess Amy of Winehouse dressed as a Camden Goth:

Rather alarmingly, I have just returned from the hairdressers and my fringe isn't a million miles away from what Dutchess Winehouse is sporting there. Anyhow, time ticks on and I have yet to find a dinner recipe for smoked mackerel. Pip pip.
Highlights from the video:
- Mutya writing her own name, complete with the kind of fancy 'A's 14 year old girls are partial to
- Mutya wandering around the mean streets of London with her digital camera around her neck. Good God woman, you're just asking to be on Crimewatch.
- Some nifty morphing effects featuring some beautiful people who were clearly hired to be Friends of Buena for the day.
- One of whom appears to be Dutchess Amy of Winehouse dressed as a Camden Goth:

Rather alarmingly, I have just returned from the hairdressers and my fringe isn't a million miles away from what Dutchess Winehouse is sporting there. Anyhow, time ticks on and I have yet to find a dinner recipe for smoked mackerel. Pip pip.
Ah, I never realised that what was going on with Tennant's hair was hair acting. I thought it was just a bad case of (hospital) bed head. I went right past St Thomas's when I was in London! I could have been sucked up to the moon! As for this Saturday's, I'm always rather fearful of historical-type Dr Who, though if it's as good as the Dickens episode, it should be ok. Or indeed it should be good. Um. I bet they'll find lots of medieval diseases to cure. I'm sure there'll be a trip to Planet Zovirax later in the series. And maybe we'll get some of the floppy fabric people from the Comfort adverts appearing as future aliens. Or the Coco Pops monkey. Now there's terror!
I always wonder when people do writing on tv/videos/etc if it's really their handwriting, or if they have some sort of calligrapher stick their hand in the picture to make it look nicer. It's the same when you get handwritten bits on CD sleeves. I'm sure it's all done by graphic designers. But Mutya's looking good in the video, I don't know why she has to hang around with such ugly friends.
I was wondering about the Hilary Duff album. I think the single I've heard is nice enough but but still fundamentally Hilary Duff, and I'm not going to buy her record just because she's less evil than Lindsay Lohan. (Damn, I've still not bought the Robyn album which was out 2 days ago!)
I knew Mutya was secretly nice and smiley! That's why they kicked her out of the Sugababes. I'm sad that you didn't kidnap Mutya, though. But perhaps you wanted to keep her smiling and you weren't sure if she likes Scrabble? I can't imagine any other excuse. I hope her new single indicates that this year will be the year of fake-sounding disco strings rather than brass sections. Also, the subliminal flash of random leopardskin underpants is the best moment in a pop video this year. Some of it does remind me of Maid in Manhattan, though.
Surely the ultimate in Doctor Who sexiness is Colin Baker. Well, at least his hair is no longer curly.
First Ikea riots, then Primark! There isn't a Primark in Edinburgh because we're too posh, but I know people who've gone 50 or 60 miles to Glasgow or Dundee for the purpose of buying cheap knickers. On the other hand, if it wasn't for Primark my little sister's student overdraft would be so great that the nation's banking system would have entirely collapsed.
re sexy Doctor Whos:
(1) McGann may have the Byronic curls, but he also has the mean pinched face of a middle-aged vicar from a Jane Austen nomination. And Davidson's the only one who looked like he played the man's sport of cricket; Eccleston may have played a bit of pub-league football judging by his face, but the rest of them were wusses.
(2) You're probably too young to read tv.cream.org's Digicream Times newsletter, but the past 2 issues have explored the topic of which Doctor's naked bottom has been on film/TV the most often in their various lives. Tennant of course has been in numerous naughty TV shows, and Davidson probably did some on-screen naughtiness, but allegedly Pertwee gets it out in one Who story. I'm not sure why I'm following this debate.
So you're boycotting Primark now it's open to the poshoes in central London, rather than contributing to the tourism in London's colourful fringes? I'm sure it'll lose its cachet if shoppers no longer have to manoeuvre their bags past yellow police signs or go to places like Dundee. They'll be sorry! (Do people go on coach trips to Primark like with Ikea?)
The shirt issue is very complex. I kind of think shirt tucked into jeans, particularly lower-cut jeans, makes a man look rather Texan. Also I really don't want to look like Carlton Banks. Or wear a cummerbund.
I'm still undecided about the railway pop thesis. It sounded really good when I thought of it driving home, but maybe that's just because I like metaphors involving grass and cows. Originally there was a fence too, and fences are never wrong.
Cillian was very piercing-eyed and tousle-haired in Sunshine, but he's just be far too obsessed with his job. You'd be at home making cakes, and he'd be in the laboratory trying to work out if he could sacrifice your life in exchange for the rest of the human race. He's much nicer in Breakfast on Pluto.
It's great that Mutya doesn't know the name of the Razorlights. I hope that means she doesn't actually listen to them (what is the attraction of the Kooks and particularly Naive, by the way? Do all girl pop stars love them? Or do they just see a song that they could perform better than the original?). Also in the photo on the front of the Guardian guide it looked like her unfeasibly large earrings were tearing a huge slit in her earlobe. Or maybe that's just what earrings do (I've never been a pirate).
Ick, I don't own a pastel pullover (that's more what Glaswegian neds wear) and my argyle socks are strickly ankle-high. (Maybe that's too much information.) I shall bowl in my work shirt and trousers, and I shall not even untuck my shirt.
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