
let me put you in the major key

"You wanna thrilla in mah nilla?"

OK, so I'm a little late in coming around to the charms of Robyn but she is officially my new favourite pop star after seeing this video. In homage to the costumetasticness of Konichiwa Bitches, I present to you a series of self-portraits entitled Hats Ahoy!. This is what a week without your boss or your friends at work will drive you to:

l-r: my best impressions of Minnie Mouse; scary Mardi Gras person (or a raven); Fagin; a crusader and a saucy carnival lady.

I went to see Music & Lyrics last night which was somewhat underwhelming. As it is rather late considering it's a school night and I've already spent two hours of my life on this film I shall condense my thoughts: no plot to speak of; terrible dialogue and even ropier lyrics; it's a sign that the funniest part of the film is right at the beginning and also in the line "My face is in the butter"; the poor, half-hearted pop parodies only serve to display the writer's passing acquaintance with advances in pop music since the split of Wham!; Hugh Grant's dancing hasn't really improved since his crab dance in Love Actually.

It seems that my Pictionary skills aren't quite up to scratch yet (judging from the guesses so far). Anyway, the landmarks of pop culture that I was trying to reproduce through the magic of biro and paper were: Toy Story, Angel and Love Machine by Girls Aloud. (No sniggering at the back please.)

2 Responses to “"You wanna thrilla in mah nilla?"”

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