"I don't know what you do but I stagger and fall / Trip up in my shoes when I'm walking with you"
2 Comments Published by H on 10 February 2007 at 11:19 PM.
11:22pm on a Saturday and I have spent the last hour quite happily bellowing along to my new favourite mix of Patrick Wolf, Siobhan Donaghy, The Cure and All Saints whilst cleaning. It seems that I have metamorphosed into Nicky Wire circa This Is My Truth, Tell Me Yours. Fear not, I shan't spend the remainder of this entry waxing lyrical upon the subject of Dyson vacuums but it does seem that I find cleaning and organising somewhat relaxing.
Ah, many a happy hour has been spent catagorising my vast collection of cosmetics into themed bags. The library assistant in me revels in catagorising my possessions for easy access. Thus, when I bought a lovely new faux-antique chest of drawers from IKEA, I decided that it would be rather a stroke of genius to split all my products into two separate drawers: face and hair. Imagine my horror when I emptied my hair drawer to find this (warning: not for the faint of heart):

Anyway, armed with a bumper pack of baby wipes and Mr Sheen, this is what my hair and face drawers look like now:
So, rather excitingly we had snow in London this week and it actually managed to settle. Sadly no snowcapades for me as by the time I made it out of the door some pesky schoolkids had scraped all the snow off my car. Surely there is some legislation regarding the ownership of the snow on your car? Snow isn't as fun when you have to go to work. How I long to be a student again so that I can make a Snow Sarah Jessica Parker like I did last year. Le sigh. Anyway, here are some generic snow pictures:
I read in one of those free London rags that the leisure activity du jour for young, hip gunslingers nowadays is to go to Cargo and play board games. I must say, as terribly organic-raspberry-flavoured-beer as this concept sounds, I'm rather intrigued. Ever since myself and my friends have taken up poker, we have branched out into board games and our current favourite is Pictionary. Before I got around to buying a Pictionary board, we just improvised with good old fashioned tree pulp and ink. So, quick quiz for you gentle readers - what am I trying to portray through the medium of biro and A4 medium lined paper?
Ah, many a happy hour has been spent catagorising my vast collection of cosmetics into themed bags. The library assistant in me revels in catagorising my possessions for easy access. Thus, when I bought a lovely new faux-antique chest of drawers from IKEA, I decided that it would be rather a stroke of genius to split all my products into two separate drawers: face and hair. Imagine my horror when I emptied my hair drawer to find this (warning: not for the faint of heart):
Anyway, armed with a bumper pack of baby wipes and Mr Sheen, this is what my hair and face drawers look like now:
So, rather excitingly we had snow in London this week and it actually managed to settle. Sadly no snowcapades for me as by the time I made it out of the door some pesky schoolkids had scraped all the snow off my car. Surely there is some legislation regarding the ownership of the snow on your car? Snow isn't as fun when you have to go to work. How I long to be a student again so that I can make a Snow Sarah Jessica Parker like I did last year. Le sigh. Anyway, here are some generic snow pictures:
I read in one of those free London rags that the leisure activity du jour for young, hip gunslingers nowadays is to go to Cargo and play board games. I must say, as terribly organic-raspberry-flavoured-beer as this concept sounds, I'm rather intrigued. Ever since myself and my friends have taken up poker, we have branched out into board games and our current favourite is Pictionary. Before I got around to buying a Pictionary board, we just improvised with good old fashioned tree pulp and ink. So, quick quiz for you gentle readers - what am I trying to portray through the medium of biro and A4 medium lined paper?
Yay, she lives! I'm glad but also slightly scared to see you blogging twice in the time that it took me to cobble together a few poetry quotes and watch some Lee and Herring clips. But definitely, yay. Your drawers are awesomely organised. How do you make a snow Sarah Jessica Parker, other than getting an icicle and dressing it in very quirky clothes?
The first picture's's that Jodie Foster film where she loses her daughter on a plane because she's mad and I looked up the plot on Wikipedia rather than ever having to accidentally watch it. The second picture is an angel watching television, probably Songs of Praise, and the third is Robot Song by Kenickie. Somebody upstairs keeps banging on my ceiling despite it being 1am. Am I allowed to kill them? I don't know how to play Pictionary. Is it like when they do charades with sounds on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, but you get stuff tattooed on your face and people have to guess if you've disfigured yourself for no reason?
(And I was so close to threatening to remove your blogger from my diary links section, but I could really never do that.)
Ok, I suppose the second one's Angel? Does the first involve a cowboy, an American football player, a teddy bear, and a spinning top? It's either Leningrad Cowboys Do America or the Village People movie Can't Stop The Music. Or maybe Bring It On. And thirdly Love Of The Common People by Paul Young. Pfft.