"He walks away / The sun goes down / He takes the day"
1 Comments Published by H on 28 October 2006 at 12:18 AM.
- I have my beloved broadband connection back!
- Well, technically I had it back ages ago. Other technological issues arose which meant me having to completely wipe my hard drive without being able to back anything up.
- Which meant I lost my beloved monkey photos from Longleat. I no longer have any evidence that I once had a Rhesus monkey perched on my wing mirror.
- I got my hair cut.
- I wanted it to look like this:
- Instead it looks like this*:
Anyway, onto more pressing matters, namely pop. Not only does November herald my birthday but also The Sound of Girls Aloud (complete with endearingly shoddy cover art) and Overloaded: The Singles Collection. Hurrah! To celebrate my (whisper it) 23rd this year, I am attending more gigs that I have done in the past five years. Tomorrow, it's Lily Allen in Sheffield, next week, everybody's favourite 70s MOR rockers, The Feeling and the week after that, the Winehouse. Expect to find me bellowing "no! no! no!" during Rehab (surely if there is any modern pop song that is designed to be a call and response song, it's Rehab??)
I went to see Bent tonight. Being somewhat vertically challenged, I was pleased to discover that I had third row centre tickets and then within the opening five minutes of the play, Alan Cumming proceeds to bare his rump to an imaginary mirror and the audience. Anyway, naked camp frolicking aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the play, despite the fact that the transitions between high camp comedy and the more harrowing moments. I can't decide what was more disturbing - the fact that the Stormtroopers had more than a whiff of The Producers about them or the fact that I found one of them rather attractive. Nevermind. It's bedtime for me now so I can direct my mind towards more inane and innocuous matters such as the book about the history of shoes that I'm reading. Expect an update soon either raving or slating Lily Allen. Pip pip.
* This may have something to do with the fact that I don't have Anne Hathaway's face.
You're back! I think Emily is an excellent role model for you to try and look like. The cover of The Sound of Girls Aloud is brilliant, it's like a 1970s easy listening compilation. Clearly it's to emphasise that it's all about the sound, not the often-dodgy visuals of Girls Aloud. Though why didn't they call it Whole Lotta History? Eh? I'm also intrigued by the Explicit Version of No Good Advice. I hope Lily Allen was good, and not supported by New Young Pony Club.