
let me put you in the major key

"you've heard me saying that smoking is my only vice..."

In my junk mail folder just now:

You don't know how much I was hoping for that email to be from the Purple One.

2 Responses to “"you've heard me saying that smoking is my only vice..."”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi. If only you'd been quicker, I went to Homebase and got some not especially nice cake tins (I think I'm looking for the exact same tins I used as a child, without luck, the old ones were probably made of lead or WW1 battleships or something equally illegal). But I wasn't feeling up to the mental and physical challenge of baking tonight in any case. Most overheard conversations on Scottish buses consist of drunks mumbling, shouting the names of football teams, and singing sectarian songs, which aren't strictly conversations, but normally one of their mates/their wife is telling them to shut up, giving a bit of two-way flow, and then they start arguing with the driver. So, have you watched Dr Who yet? And have you bought any of what Mr P. Funk was selling?  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Sorry I forgot the most important part of your comment: why do you keep your cake tins under your bed? And are (were) they clean (when they went under)? Or did you just eat the cake straight from the tin and hide the evidence?  

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