Well, I would like to say that upon hearing these words, a bolt of fear was struck into my heart. However, as much as I wanted to enjoy this episode, I found it all a little underwhelming. I'm not sure if it's because after the breathless pace of the episodic format so far as conditioned me for 45 minutes gallops around time and space. Certainly, Rise of the Cybermen marks a return to a more old-school science-fiction sensibility. In a way, the Cybermen are a trope of science-fiction and this theme has been endlessly explored, especially in recent years with films such as I, Robot and The Matrix. The wonderful thing about science-fiction is that it is a veritable playground for writers. You can create a hermetically sealed universe, a world that is removed from our own reality in order to discuss issues (perhaps too controversial) that are too close to home. Science-fiction has always dealt with our anxiety about technology, specifically the line between humanity and artifical intelligence. In all good science fiction, it isn't the cold, heartless robots that are the most terrifying, it's the ones with some vestige of humanity. The daleks here are a perfect example - remember last season's encounter with the new improved daleks? To (mis)quote: "Since when did daleks believe in god?"
Anyway, this is all an incredibly prolixitous and long-winded way of saying that I didn't find the Cybermen very scary. Last year, I was fully anticipating burying my face in my pillow in fits of laughter at the return of the daleks but in fact, they were incredibly menacing and chilling. Being unfamiliar with the previous incarnations of the Cybermen, I didn't know what to expect but I certainly didn't expect 45 minutes of a badly drawn parallel universe, an ex-member of Byker Grove and some half-hearted Mary Shelly references. (Well, technically not Mary Shelly, needless to say she never penned the words, "It's alive!! Alive!!!") Perhaps I'm being a little harsh on the episode, perhaps I should reserve judgement until I see the Cybermen in their full foil-plated killing glory. You never know, by next Saturday, I could be hastily editing this entry beyond all recognition. As ever, my Doctor Who review in note form:
- Yay for continuity. Well sort of continuity I guess seeing as we've moved sideways into a parallel universe but Rose's dad is back! Mercifully (for both his reputation and our eyes), he doesn't have to don that terrible Miami Vice via Lewisham market look anymore. In Father's Day I couldn't help but think of Dennis Waterman every time he appeared onscreen.
- Oh Mickey you're so fine... Hurrah for Mickey's long-overdue character development! Though, as many on Behind the Sofa have noted, this is most probably a Portent of Doom. A sneaky Whedon-esque trick (remember Jesse anyone?) Since Noel Clarke has confirmed that he isn't going to be in Season 3, we can perhaps expect the Death of Mickey (and the death of the Oh Mickey you're so fine sections of the reviews) soon. Perhaps the Death of Mickey signals the downfall of this new arrogant Doctor? (I refer you back to the Portents of Doom in Tooth & Claw and School Reunion.)
- The one thing I did like about the Cybermen was the fabulous Art Deco look they were sporting. I mean, if the 1920s/1930s are good enough for Christina Aguilera, it's definately good enough for the Cybermen.
- I also liked John Lumic's old-school wooden wheelchair. That certainly explains his general grouchiness.
- Hey! Look It's... Blossom-off-of-Eastenders!!
- Hey! Look It's... that-one-off-of-Byker Grove (ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!)
- Pop Culture Watch As I've mentioned before, I don't think that the pop culture references sit very well in Doctor Who but I can make the exception for Tight Fit's masterpiece, The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Incidentally, this was the scariest moment of tonight's episode. (And I don't meant that in a snark-some way. It was genuinely horrifying.)
- Finally, even I could tell that it was Cardiff substituting for London. London is never that clean. Or quaint. But I can forgive the production team for that because apparently, the Cybermen decided to return to their spiritual home...Peckham:

As a treat to myself after yesterday's fiasco, I have decided to write about Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in my Television and Cultural Change essay. Hoorah. Credit for pontificating on my favourite television shows. Unfortunately, Tennant adoration does not get me good marks so I shall have to pour it all out here. Although, there is not much to say this week apart from: the emo glasses were back again, rrreow. Monday marks my freedom from this seemingly endless carousel of WRITING and I can get back to compiling All Time Top Five lists. I already have some great lists lined up (All Time Top Five Dance Films; All Time Top Five Songs That Use A Medical Metaphor; All Time Top Five Songs About Dancing etc etc) and I have also been meaning to do that weird thing meme that has been doing the rounds. Rather worryingly I can only think of two at the moment when I know that in reality I am just neuroses and strange habits strung together. Anyway, it is about 2 hours away from dawn and I only have 785 words done. Pip pip.
No treats from Ikea for me, I think the only way to stay sane in Ikea is to keep the blinkers on and run very quickly past anything you didn't come in with the specific intent of buying (especially as it took half an hour to choose a sofa from their range of about 6). I thought the new cybermen were a little more scary than the old ones, who looked like grey plastic people with lunchboxes on their heads; but they were probably more scary as tramps than cyborgs. Clearly the scientist thought that "beyond the grave" meant "I'll move you to the less luxurious offices located near the cemetary so you'll have to watch goths snogging while you're eating your lunch". What's your Dr Who/Buffy essay question? Good luck with your writing, and I look forward to your top fives, especially medical metaphors.
I loved Rise Of The Cybermen! I managed to ignore the CBBC twerp and it was great! Clomping Cybermen feet...they were scarier than they've been since the 60s episodes! And you do have to give kudos to anything that can make Tight Fit's version of The Lion Sleeps Tonight scarier than it already is...