My life, as well as being regimented by The Blackboard of Doom, is propped up on stacks of books. Everywhere I turn, there are little pillars of texts that need to be read or photocopied or quoted from. Despite the quite sizable post-graduation reading list that I have amassed, (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril, Cloud Atlas, Eleanor Rigby, The History of Love, Nights At The Circus, The Autograph Man & The Call of the Weird), I could quite happily refrain from reading for a good few months. (Well, I guess I can't tote my usual five books on holiday with me this year, a stack of books is not conducive to backpacking.)
So, my Sunday is going to be spent in front of my computer in an attempt to hammer out 4000 more words in a desperate attempt to finish the Accursed Dissertation and rid my surroundings of these looming pillars. Allow me to live vicariously gentle readers, if I had been more organised, my Sunday might have looked like this:
9:00am // Wake up. Crack one eye open and blearily squint in an attempt to focus said eye on the clock. Decide that it is inhumane hour to be up on a Sunday and promptly fall asleep again.
10:30am // Nope. Still too early. Zzzz.
12pm // Ah, that's more like it. Lie in bed thinking about strange cheese dream I had and then decide that am too hungry to stay in bed.
1:00pm // Showered and ready to face the world, decide that the best way to spend my day is in bed watching season 2 of Buffy.
4:00pm // Wander downstairs in search of food. Return triumphant with peanut butter toast and tea.
7:35pm // Rejoice for Alyson Hannigan is back on my television, alongside Doogie Howser, M.D. star, Neil Patrick Harris, in How I Met Your Mother.
8:00pm // Excellent, Top Gear is on. Cannot let anyone know that I secretly find Jeremy Clarkson quite amusing and that I rabidly fancy diminuative Richard Hammond.
9:00pm // Ooh, more trash television in the form of 50 Greatest One Hit Wonders. This is quite possibly best day ever.
12:10am // Ah, still time to watch more Buffy...
12:40am // Zzzz...
On that note, I suppose I had better refrain from writing my usual essay-length posts and concentrate my WRITING energy on my degree. Le sigh. Happy Sunday gentle readers.
Jeremy Clarkson IS amusing. Anyone who can bitch about Creme Fraiche and say it tastes like Femfresh is pretty much OK in my book. But then, I AM quite old and am probably SUPPOSED to fancy him or something. s x PS "Unfortunate Events" is great - I nicked it from my daughter and polished it off in one evening.
How is The Hamster fanciable? Truly the world is full of different tastes :)
I'm quite fond of Top Gear too, although it can be a little anoying the way Clarkson goes on about The French, Environmentalists, and other random rants. But then again, that annoyance factor is part of the charm I suppose.