"but lately I've been feeling / that I'm going to give up breathing"
1 Comments Published by H on 01 May 2006 at 10:22 PM.

The above is my life at the moment, regimented by a blackboard which incessantly urges me to write. It obviously doesn't work that well because I wasted a day today (well, I guess it depends on your definition of "wasting.") Rather astonishingly, I woke up at the eye-searingly early hour of 10am and immediately decided that as it was a sunny Bank Holiday, there was only one way to while away the day and it definately was not in front of my beloved computer. I managed to blackmail Lindsey into coming to Bluewater with me and I managed to deceive myself that I desperately needed to go to rectify my position as terrible-friend-to-Priya, as I had not been in attendance at her birthday celebrations, forgot to text her with a birthday salutation or even bake her a cake. As tomorrow is my last lecture ever (YAY...more on this later), I figured that it was my last chance of seeing her for a while. Not only did I accomplish my mission in buying her a fabulous gift (I was afeared that I had lost the knack of buying presents) but I also bought various treats for myself:

I have been on a search for a perfect powder, well, forever. Having bought the Clinique Gentle Light Loose Powder on a whim today (and also being suckered into spending another £10 on a lipbalm, all for precious Boots points. I should know better having once worked there. Alas, such is the life of a make-up junkie) I'm still not convinced that this is my Holy Grail and that perhaps I should have stuck with the original plan of purchasing the much-recommended, oft-praised Laura Mercier powder. So far, pros: pleasing luminous glow to skin, making me look both fragrant and lustrous; cons: on further inspection, large particles of glitter all over facing, making me look like a mucky seven-year old. Oh crap.
As my life is somewhat empty at the moment, (I tell myself that it's due to the dissertation but I suspect that this may not be the case. In any case, I am going to humour and indulge myself and continue to participate in this masquerade...) I have compiled a list of miscellaneous thoughts:
- Myself and Priya have both independently come to the conclusions that some days are good iPod days. On these golden days, the shuffle function on your iPod both filters out all the songs that are only on your iPod for show and present a selection of songs that you truly love. Today is such a day, in the last twenty minutes of writing this entry, my iTunes has cued-up a veritable feast of boys with guitars: "Actually It's Darkness", Idlewild; "American Trilogy", The Delgados; "Who's David", Busted; "One Two Three Home", Ben & Jason; "Black Hair", Nick Cave.
- Tennant Adoration from this week's Holy Moly mailout: "When new TV Time Lord David Tennant was filming Blackpool, he made Sarah Parish go to a Dr. Who convention with him so he could get his annual signed." That is so geeky, it's adorable.
- I think myself and Popjustice have mind-melded, take a look at both my own and PJ's entries for 27th April. Coincidence? I think not!
- More stolen stuff from the Holy Moly mailout: The First Annual MySpace Stupid Haircut Awards. Looking at those pictures, you would think that MySpace is completely inhabited by the residents of Camden.
- This week my blog has been frequented by people looking for naked pictures of Mark-from-Westlife's boyfriend, pop-dumper-Kevin-McDaid and also someone looking for Howard Donald's MySpace.
- Pop's favourite teenage mother and ex-Sugababe, Mutya is back! With a hideous MySpace which seems to be based on a seventeen-year old boy's lucky pulling shirt. From listening to her solo material, all I can say is that thank god she left the Sugababes. It's bad enough that she campaigned for the crunk-a-licious Gotta Be You to be on Taller In More Ways but she wanted Ace Reject off the album? (Although, it must be said that Gotta Be You does make its way into the All Time Top Five Songs That Namecheck The Artist: "Now you're talking this stuff / Seems I'm getting dissed, what?! / Newsweek would say "today look at Mutya.")*
- Finally, random body-part self-portrait:

* Am not quite sure on the other entries in this list but I am considering including a 5ive song. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
The absolute pinnacle of songs that namecheck the artist is universally agreed (by God, Jesus and all the apostles, even the crappy one who replaced Judas) to be The Look of Love by ABC where singer Martin Fry reflects "They say, 'Martin maybe one day you’ll find true love'." I really really hope nobody had sex in my attic. Even more than I hope that Mutya has that actual full-size tattoo from her MySpace.