Oh me, oh my. I think I need a glass of cold water. If there's anything that is guaranteed to bring the fangirl out in me, it's a handsome man in a suit and glasses, travelling the length and breadth of space and time. (That said, it doesn't take much to awaken the dormant fangirl in me.) I don't know about you gentle viewers, but I thoroughly enjoyed New Earth tonight, not to mention Doctor Who Confidential narrated by lovely Mark Gatiss.
I must confess that I was rather cold to the charms of Russell T Davies prior to tonight's episode but that 45 minutes of television has melted any indifference to RTD that I might have harboured. Not since the (short-lived) heyday of Firefly have I fallen so completely, head-over-heels for a 'verse.
An ameteurish, gushing dissection of tonight's episode follows:
- I take back any disparaging comments I might have made regarding Billie's acting in the past, She gives good smoulder.
- Oh my, RTD did spoil the 'shippers tonight didn't he?: the "first date" reference; "hormone-city!"; references to "new" and "unused" parts and not to mention the much-publicised kiss between Rose and the Doctor. My she did have a firm grip on his head didn't she?
- Scary, funny and exciting in equal measures it may have been, I did find the human-farm/Matrix premise a little tired.
- But I can forgive that low-point just for:
- "Applegrass!"
- Rose jumping up and down squealing "ground!" amused me no end.
- I will never look at a samba in the same way ever again. I wasn't sure whether to laugh uproariously or hide behind the sofa.
- More hide-behind-the-sofa moments arose every time the word "chav" was uttered onscreen. I'm sure that at the time of writing, this might have been amusing but a year down the line, it just grated. In future please leave flippant pop culture references to the Mighty Whedon.
- It appears that the hardcore contingent found the Rose/Cassandra bodyswap tedious but I cannot resist a good old paranormal (is there any other kind??) bodyswap. (See also: BtVS, Tabula Rasa)
- I imagine that the "it's like being in a bouncy castle" comment engaged the attention of a significant proportion of the male audience...
-...much as the disinfectant scene did for the majority of the female audience.
- Is it just me or does Zoe Wanamaker look suspiciously...well?
Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to next week's episode. Mainly due to the werewolves and Scottish accents, woof! Having seen the preview, I am just glad that Oz' werewolf costume has not been recycled and the BBC have put our money to good use with some lovely CGI. (Note to self: must stop comparing Doctor Who and Buffy.)
In other news: I have finally gotten around to eating the Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes and they are luscious. Best of all, not only are they seductively moist but incredibly messy and for me, that is the benchmark of good cake. I have already scarfed two today and I fear this figure will rise as the weekend progresses as I continue writing my dissertation (988 words and counting...)
Work was deathly dull today and I still cannot figure out whether She Who Does Not Speak is chronically shy, devoid of a personality or simply hates me. I tried to engage her in a bonding session today by bitching about a rude customer that she had encountered and I got the cold shoulder.
My lovely, shiny new 1GB memory card was waiting on my doormat when I arrived home from work. Get ready for some more macro-lens action:

And finally: Even though I know it's incredibly wrong, I am becoming increasingly fond of that awful From Paris to Berlin song. My love for it is neither helped nor hindered by this. (Beware: not for those of a faint disposition or those who have an aversion to half-naked, bearded Irish men.)
Dr Trueman as Peter was really bad. Partly it was because the script did the story of Peter denying Jesus in an incredibly feeble way: "You'll deny me" "No!" then five seconds later Dr Trueman's putting on his best "Zoe I'm not in love with your mother" denying skillz (JC Superstar does it much better). That Colin Murray thing is ace, but I love any song that mentions Berlin (even "You Take My Breath Away" which doesn't actually mention Berlin, unless they namecheck themselves in the lyrics [possibly in a rap remix]). According to the Ikea website, they deliver the next day, unlike most furniture shops which take about 4-6 weeks, so I'll probably end up there by default/sloth, in 4 weeks time. I agree that cake-baking is superior to knitting, if only because I'm far more likely to eat what I cook than wear what I knit, even if it's a comical disaster. Though baking is harder to unpick.
I've never really watched any Dr. Who before, but caught the episode this weekend. Didn't really think the chav comments were cringe-worthy, not great though. But overall I liked it. And the werewolf from next week means I may even tune in again. But Sat is an awkward day.
Thanks for linking to Cunning Quote, btw. Thats how I came here.
Hi. I agree with you about Zoe Wanamaker, the special effects department definitely did a good bit of work on her. But it's nice to see somebody inspire such loyalty in her minions, not seen anything like that since Glory in Buffy. I'm ashamed that I live in a city without Primark (we're about to get a Waitrose, which shows what way the wind's blowing, and it's not in the direction of low budgets), but I'm sure once I've seen the prices in Lewis's I'll head for Asda despite the evil of WalMart. I don't know if I should experiment further with Colin Murray as a muse, but I do know I'm not dressing like Sylvester McCoy. Peter Davidson was an elegant man, though. Good luck with the accursed dissertation.