"if I were a painter / i would paint my reverie"
0 Comments Published by H on 16 April 2006 at 9:54 PM.

Happy Easter gentle readers. I sincerely hope you had a better Easter Sunday than I did. Not only was there a dearth of quality televisual entertainment (where have the 2pm e4 Popworld repeats gone? Am very aggrieved at missing Simon & Miquita's last episode before Hateful Zane and Unknown Chung take over) but I also had a huge row with my father, which is an incredibly rare occurance. Needless to say, in true tortured adolescent fashion, I have taken to my room and brooded whilst listening to the only soothing thing I could find on my iTunes, the Norah Jones album. Unforunately it doesn't really seem to be doing the trick but I can't seem to summon up the energy to care. It's getting to that point where rightous anger gives way to shame at having behaved so dreadfully, mixed with impertinent pride. Still, there's a little stubborn angel on my shoulder who bristles and crackles with anger at the futility of trying to be straightforward and upfront only to find it backfiring and becoming an argument about something else entirely. The feeling isn't entirely dissimilar (I imagine) to driving headfirst into a brick wall.
Anyway, I take my leave in order to spare you my Dear Readers of any more typical LJ-style emo angst. I can barely tolerate it myself so I imagine you must be feeling ready to beat yourself about the head with your own arm. I have spent today reading yet another substandard novel for the Cursed Dissertation, Bluebeard's Room by Emma Cave. As regular readers may have surmised, this girl has no objections to pulpish entertainments but even this was below my standards. Anyway, it is 10:13pm and the grand today of 0 words has been written so far. I fear that my daily target of 1000 words will not be met today. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
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