"dance with me pretty boy tonight / dance with me and it'll be alright"
2 Comments Published by H on 15 May 2006 at 4:50 PM.

It's been the bane of my life for the past five months. That pile of 104 pages has been the cause of many a sleepless night and many hours of procrastination. But there it is, all done and it's out of my hands now. I'm free! My evenings aren't automatically prefixed by the thought of what I need to read for tomorrow's lecture. My evenings, my afternoons, my days, they're all mine to do with what I please. I could stay in bed all day, watching television and reading and whatever I please. I could start on my reading that I've put aside because I haven't had time over this past year. (I honestly cannot remember the last book that I read out of free will.) I could walk along all my favourite bridges in London, just me and my iPod. I can spend hazy evenings in the pub with my friends, talking and laughing about everything and nothing. I can go back to compiling frivolous Top Five lists. The possibilities are endless. But right now, I think I'd be more than happy with just curling up in bed and falling asleep to my Buffy DVDs because I haven't slept for 42 hours.
Yay. Doesn't it look nice? And what an enigmatic shadow over the top of it. Also, somebody wrote in my comments that her 10 year old daughter will beat you up for dreaming about being James Bourne's boyfriend. This worries me slightly, people using my comments for threats. Be careful if you see any tough-looking 10 year old girls (though I guess there's a lot of those in South London).
yay! You finished! Good for you. Thanks for your note - and dont worry about Jooj, the only way she could do you any damage is if she sat on you! Dont stop wearing the shades, wigs and amusing hats tho - there's room for all of those at every Board Meeting where I work! s x