
let me put you in the major key

So. Today was an exercise in why it is entirely unwise to take ProPlus before a presentation.

Not only did I spent the seminar session in hysterics at walnuts but I also found myself labouring under the illusion that my presentation was, indeed, fabulous. In fact, I became more and more convinced of this fact as I went on with the presentation, so much so that by the end I was trying to throw in hand gestures and off-the-cuff remarks in an effort to be witty and engaging. In reality, I think I came across more like the sleep-deprived rambling girl that I actually was this morning. However, I must admit that my loyalty to ProPlus has not wavered as my traditional afternoon granny nap didn't occur today, instead I spent the day alert and awake. I even managed a cup of tea at P's and spent the afternoon compiling mix-CDs with her...

...which led to today's obsessive project of transferring all my CD singles onto my iTunes. I am currently up to Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. Yes, sadly my CD singles err on the side of indie. None of the shiny electropop goodness is present in my record collection, mainly because most of the collection was compiled when I was 16 and an avid reader of Select and Melody Maker. Anyway, this little project led me to rediscover The Auteurs promo that I acquired back in those dark, days of yore. But lo! I discover the pop heart beating underneath that veneer of 'authenticity' and thus an obsession with Luke Haines has been born today, gentle readers. Most alarmingly, I seem to have developed some sort of crush on him and bundle this in with Paul Bettany's inclusion in my celebrity-boyfriend harem, there seems to be some sort of albino faction forming within the harem! Observe:

Pulling at this Luke Haines/Auteurs strand further, I remembered that I had somewhere on a free cover CD, the gem that is Facts of Life. I know that the parallels between Sarah Nixey and Sophie E-B have been drawn many times but a lovely well-spoken girl preaching the word of pop cannot fail to capture my heart. Even better, I belatedly remembered that Sarah Nixey's fabulous debut single, The Collector was included on the PJ podcast, hurrah! What a wonderous concoction of shimmering guitars, stop-start, delicate fluttering beats and the gossamer vocals of Nixey. Gentle readers, go forth posthaste and listen now.

1 Responses to “"there was a boy who never smiled / spent his time chasing butterflies"”

  1. # Anonymous Roulette Strategy

    Takes a bad turn.  

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